Hall Hire

We have a number of spaces which are available for hire by community groups and individuals.

  • Chapel: Carpeted auditorium seating up to 100 people. Includes air conditioning/heating and baptistry.
  • Small Hall: small hall adjacent to the kitchen; can accommodate up to 50 people. Includes small coffee tables and chairs.
  • Lounge: carpeted room with lounges and TV, ideal for smaller groups/meetings. Can accommodate up to 20 people.
  • Kitchen: suitable for tea/coffee and for heating pre-prepared food.
  • Parking: ample free parking is available for groups onsite.



Room Hourly Rate
Outside Grounds $53.00
Chapel $43.00
Middle Hall $22.00
Foyer $22.00
Lounge $22.00
Whole Church $80.00
Maximum Charge $80.00


floor plan

Lyons Church of Christ floorplan

All proposed activities must be in keeping with the values and ethos of our local congregation. If the hirer has any doubt concerning the acceptability of a proposed activity, it is in their best interest to provide full information prior to undertaking the hire of the facility. Full Hire Agreement T&Cs are available on request via email.

Please note that our building is unavailable for hire on Sundays.