are we?


All churches are tasked with sharing the gospel with everyone it is privileged to encounter, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  And discipling followers of Jesus in their faith and walk with God, so they are released effectively into His service wherever He leads them. Discipleship occurs most effectively when His people are engaged in Mission. We are continuing to become a church filled with passionate believers who put God’s calling and the transformational work of the Holy Spirit at the centre of our lives and are prepared to sacrifice our comforts for God’s Kingdom. A group of Christ-followers who love the community in which we are planted. We demonstrate this by taking the love of Jesus to where they are.

To do this, we desire to be:

A church that recognises every person as made in the image of God and respects them accordingly. That is able to see the individual beyond their behaviour and life circumstances and seeks to view them as God does, a precious and unique individual created by Him.

  • A church that is filled with passion for Jesus and a desire to worship Him, who is open to the transformational work of the Holy Spirit in everyday life and who puts God in first place in their own lives.
  • A church where every person is able to receive the love and care of Jesus through the work the church does with the local community, where each person is able to learn and grow to a point where they fall in love with Jesus, are baptised and then embark on the adventure of being His disciple, and are also sent out from the church to lead and contribute to the Kingdom of God wherever they may be called.
  • A church that is shaped by the people God calls to it, that is permission giving, allowing people to explore God’s calling on their lives and equips them to do it.
  • A church that utilises the key opportunities in our culture to reach the lost. We seek to communicate in culturally appropriate ways while never compromising the truth of the gospel, even when that leads to counter-cultural beliefs and practices that challenge our society’s status quo.
  • A church that looks out for, who loves deeply, and who pastorally cares for each other in both the good times and the bad.
  • A church that is biblically and theologically literate. This foundation leads to disciples and leaders who are able to engage in life changing conversations with anyone because they have grown in their own faith journey and have the confidence of knowing God loves them no matter what. People who can lead by example in word and deed.
  • A church that is passionate about reaching every age group. A church that reaches and teaches children and young people in their faith, that helps families grow their young people in spiritual and emotional maturity and a church that honours, respects and invests in its long-term faithful servants.

“One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.”

Psalm 27:4 (NKJV)